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Position Available

Join us to work in an interesting project "Investigation of biofilm disruption by mechanical and electromagnetic waves: A novel approach to reduce antimicrobial resistance due to biofilms." 

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Lab updates


  • Lab received IBRO Diversity Grant 2024.    

  • Neha got selected as INSA Young Associate (IYA) 2024. 

  • Khusboo received SERB - International Travel Support grant to attend GRC on Intrinsically Disordered Proteins.  

  • Khushboo got selected to attend & present at the Gordon Research Conference on Intrinsically Disordered Proteins, July 2024.

  • Bhumika received Best poster prize in mini-symposium on "From Fundamental Biophysics to Drug Discovery" held in the Department of Chemistry, IIT Jodhpur. (March 2024)

  • Neha got selected as an EMBO Global Investigator 2024. (Dec. 2023)

  • Bhumika got selected for the Prime Minister's Research Fellowship (PMRF). (Oct. 2023)

  • New collaborative research article got accepted in the journal Review of Scientific Instruments. (Oct. 2023)

  • Neha delivered a special seminar at Dept. of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Rutgers University, New Jersey. (Sept. 2023)

  • New research articles from the collaborative work with Dr. Raviraj Vankayala got accepted in ACS Langmuir. (Sept. 2023) 

  • Latest research article from the lab got accepted in Journal of Molecular Biology. (Sept. 2023) 

  • New research article got accepted in ACS Omega from the collaborative research with Dr. Raviraj Vankayala. (Sept. 2023) 

  • Neha traveled to Temple University, U.S.A. to do some interesting science, through IBRO Collaborative Research Grant. (July 2023) 

  • Neha got promoted to Associate Professor. (June 2023)

  • Second cover art from the lab got published in Biomaterials Science (June 2023).

  • Vishakha successfully presented her State of The Art (SoTA) seminar (June 2023). 

  • Khushboo and Ms. Bhumika's interview featured at Biopatrika under New Auther section for their recent research article (June 2023). 

  • Research article from the lab in collaboration with Dr. Raviraj Vankayala just got accepted in Biomaterials Science (April 2023).

  • Lab won third prize for their outreach initiative funded by IndiaBioscience (April 2023).

  • Lab received second prize for the citizen science approach on Creative and Innovation Day at IIT-Jodhpur (April2023).

  • Lab has published their first research article in ACS Chemical Neuroscience with front cover art (March 2023).

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