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Lab updates

  • FAB Lab members along with lab members of Dr. Arani Ali Khan (Dept. of EE) went on a joint lab outing post discussing some collaborative sciences. (January 2025) 

  • Ms. Khusbhoo, first student of the FAB lab, successfully presented her Open Seminar presentation at the Dept. of BSBE. (January 2025)

  • A joint lab retreat was organized between FAB lab, NanoMed lab and Integrative Tissue Engineering group led by Dr. Neha, Dr. Raviraj and Dr. Indranil respectively, funded by EMBO global investigator fund. (December 2024)  

  • A review article from the lab got selected in the journal - BBA Advances. (December 2024)

  • Neha presented a talk at IMTech Chandigarh describing how chaperones-like proteins modulates amyloidogenic proteins. (December 2024) 

  • Neha was invited to present a talk at International Conference on Optics Within Life Sciences (OWLS) organized at IIT Bombay. (November 2024)

  • ​Article posted by IndiaBioscience in column "Indian Scenario" featuring our outreach initiative addressing the issue of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in rural Rajasthan. (September 2024)  

  • Harita Joined FAB Lab as PhD student. (August 2024)

  • Khusboo received SERB - International Travel Support grant to attend GRC on Intrinsically Disordered Proteins. (June 2024)

  • Khushboo got selected to attend & present at the Gordon Research Conference on Intrinsically Disordered Proteins. (June 2024)

  • Neha and Harshita traveled to University of Sydney, Australia, to do some interesting science, through International Mobility Grant. (June-July 2024)

  • Collaborative review with Prof. Çagla Tükel's lab got published in Current Opinion in Microbiology. (June 2024)

  • Lab received IBRO Diversity Grant 2024. (May 2024) 

  • Neha got selected as INSA Young Associate (IYA). (May 2024) 

  • New review article by Neha, discussing interplay between human and bacterial amyloids got published in BBA Reviews. (April 2024)

  • Bhumika received best poster prize in mini-symposium on "From Fundamental Biophysics to Drug Discovery" held in the Department of Chemistry, IIT Jodhpur. (March 2024)

  • Neha got selected as an EMBO Global Investigator 2024. (Dec. 2023)

  • Bhumika got selected for the Prime Minister's Research Fellowship (PMRF). (Oct. 2023)

  • New collaborative research article got accepted in the journal Review of Scientific Instruments. (Oct. 2023)

  • Neha delivered a special seminar at Dept. of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Rutgers University, New Jersey. (Sept. 2023)

  • New research articles from the collaborative work with Dr. Raviraj Vankayala got accepted in ACS Langmuir. (Sept. 2023) 

  • Latest research article from the lab got accepted in Journal of Molecular Biology. (Sept. 2023) 

  • New research article got accepted in ACS Omega from the collaborative research with Dr. Raviraj Vankayala. (Sept. 2023) 

  • Neha traveled to Temple University, U.S.A. to do some interesting science, through IBRO Collaborative Research Grant. (July 2023) 

  • Neha got promoted to Associate Professor. (June 2023)

  • Second cover art from the lab got published in Biomaterials Science (June 2023).

  • Vishakha successfully presented her State of The Art (SoTA) seminar (June 2023). 

  • Khushboo and Ms. Bhumika's interview featured at Biopatrika under New Auther section for their recent research article (June 2023). 

  • Research article from the lab in collaboration with Dr. Raviraj Vankayala just got accepted in Biomaterials Science (April 2023).

  • Lab won third prize for their outreach initiative funded by IndiaBioscience (April 2023).

  • Lab received second prize for the citizen science approach on Creative and Innovation Day at IIT-Jodhpur (April2023).

  • Lab has published their first research article in ACS Chemical Neuroscience with front cover art (March 2023).

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